Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Resolution of a Broken Voice

It was five weeks again. Almost to the day - about 9pm Tuesday of 4 weeks 6 days, but sitting in my living room and all of the sudden, I have a voice that popped right back in and hasn't gone away since.

This week led to a confirmation of suspected diagnosis: partial vocal cord paresis involving the right flap. I've been given a series of exercises to do to try to get things moving again normally. These involve MEOOOOWing across a range of frequencies, issuing a bunch of sharp or drawn out NYEEEEAH and childhood taunting "NAH NAHNAH NA NAAAA NEEEE." It's interesting. As it is returning now, my voice is lower than it used to be. It'll be interesting to see where it settles, but I have told the doctors - all of whom are upset with my apparently lack of speed in recovery - that I'm beyond thrilled to be able to talk at all.

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