Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gallery from Tuesday

Wide-angle exploitation:


And finally:

Gallery of 47 here. My kit was, excepting one, all primes: 10-17 fisheye, 14/2.8, 24/2.8, 43/1.9, 50/4, 77/1.8, 135/3.5. I actually used all of them, and, except for maybe a couple of the first trip out with the 50, all of them should be tagged correctly for focal length, since the camera asks for K/M/A lenses.

Two notes: first, I've been using the auto-resize option in JAlbum, which means that if you want to see the full up-to-1000-pixels-to-a-side image, you can click on the little arrow/hard drive icon in the lower corner. Second, I bought a Mac Mini today to better help me cope with the demands of processing this stuff. It took me 2 hours on my PowerBook G4 to sift to this set of pictures; I didn't even end up exporting all of the keepers, either. It's just too resource intensive to do this stuff on a PowerPC processor anymore. At least, any of the ones I have access to. An addition to that, as an amusement - I got the 4 gig ram upgrade and the 320 gig internal hard drive upgrade, but I got them from Newegg, and it cost me less to get those along with a FireWire 800 to 400 cable than either upgrade would have individually from Apple. All I'll have to do is test my skill with a putty knife, and I've taken apart an iBook before, so I think I'll be fine.


  1. Nat,

    Do the Macs now need that much force that you need a putty knife? A guitar pick has always been my tool of choice, because it usually doesn't damage the case plastic.

    That said, they don't work for every type of case, since some are too solidly attached, or too strong. I had to use a rubber mallet and a cluster of guitar picks to open a group of Compaq laptops once.

    - Josh

  2. ok, now you've got a lens i like the look of - sorry it's been awhile, not a fan of the modern pentax look in general. the 14 tho, pretty decent.


  3. Josh - The putty knife thing comes from getting a big long lever behind the small entry point. That said, the mini actually has a significantly larger gap between the aluminum shell and the plastic bottom frame than I found on either of the iBook G4s I used this method to disassemble, so it'll be interesting to see how hard it is to pry apart. I'll have to remember the guitar pick thing though... it will be helpful for taking apart connectors in the future.

    On the 14 - the more I use it, the more I'm seeing it as a substitute for the K 24, something the DA 16-45 zoom didn't seem altogether great for. This is a good thing - it balances well on the K20D, it gives me a field of view and close focus capability that I'm used to, and the results are quite good. The only "problem" is that the aberrations toward the edge become quite pronounced when shooting wide open with objects in front of the plane of focus. I've only noticed it with text so far, though, and only in "I'm screwing around at my desk" shots.

  4. Nat,

    Shamefully... I've always used a dental pick for the ribbon cable connectors. They are about the only thing small enough to manipulate those tiny release tabs. They are also great for pollinating flowers, and for cleaning gunky small parts. ;)

    I like the 14, too. In a few weeks when you start to get some actual wildflowers, a wide lens like that makes cool closeups.

    - Josh

  5. I'm currently in the process of transferring stuff from the Sawtooth to the Mac mini. This has taken so far about 20 minutes, with another 43 (at current tick) to go.

    Very exciting stuff.

    After that's done, I may install Lightroom to see what a difference 10 years of electronics design work can do, but if not, It'll be tomorrow before I tell it to do stuff. That's when I get the 320GB/4GB upgrade kit from Newegg. I hope.

  6. brand new mini, or one of the last gen micro center has for dirt cheap right now?

    i'd think new for the video chipset, but ya never know. my latest imaging output 'upgrade' was a free enlarger - color this time! it has good negative carrier and mixing chamber for 35mm, and a filthy mixing chamber for 6x7. i think i can clean the 6x7 chamber, then i need to find a 6x6 carrier and i'll be set. maybe a spare bulb, just because it uses a diff one than my condenser enlarger.

