So I've decided that I need to get a digital SLR. I'm going the *ist DL + DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 + (maybe) DA 50-200mm f/4.0-5.6.
Why the *ist DL? Well, I investigated the reviews on the *ist D, and it writes too slowly to the CF card to be of much use for birds and macro of things that move. The *ist DS is no longer available except by eBay, and the *ist DS2 was discontinued because of product failure (or so the guy at ritz told me...).
The new pro model will probably be available next year, and it will probably be somewhat compelling. For the time being, the DL can be my go-to, and my MX and ZX-L can stay in the bag as a film backup for the things the DL can't do.
I looked at Nikon's D70s too, but the change in lens system isn't worth it - Nikkor lenses are entirely too expensive and not very compelling for the price.
Canon's digital offerings aren't a good fit for me at all thanks to the way the aperture functions. That whole "you can't reverse the lenses" means I'd have to either stop doing macro or spend real actual money on a macro lens.
But then again, the DA 18-55 focuses at 10 inches. Ding!
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