Monday, January 31, 2011

The First of 2011

My cats are different.

Underexposed shock

Regal Tuftage

I will watch you do dishes

Wide lens for wide cat

I know it's pet heavy, but it's been a busy month. At least it's something, I suppose.

For the nerd update - I got tired of my Hero either running acceptably for four hours or running poorly for 9, so I went ahead and got a new phone - the EVO Shift 4G. I'm not sold on 4G yet, but this phone is how android should have run from the beginning. Shame the hardware just wasn't ready yet two years ago. The camera on it is also incredible for what it is, and it actually shoots a wide aspect ratio picture. I understand it's one of the new-fangled rear-illumination sensors, which probably explains why it's so nice. Of course I'd be most excited by that, right?

1 comment:

  1. Dude, speaking of nerd... I finally had to break down and accept a camera with a phone. ATT could not find me one without, even for extra cash. They also nearly crapped a brick when they saw my 2002 vintage SIM card. Their cloner couldn't even copy the contacts from it when they gave me a new one, he had to do it manually.
