Sunday, August 24, 2008

On the true meaning of pain

I just made chili that was actually physically painful to put in my mouth.

I made a stab through the end, it took me four ounces of milk per forkful of food.

Something tells me I'll need to buy ingredients to dilute this one a little bit when I stop at the store tomorrow to buy more milk.

Update on the Content Vortex's Current Sad State: Well, I haven't done much of anything, as is clear. I did, however, find all of the stuff I had lost in a folder called .migration_temp that was buried somewhere in my directory structure to which I did not previously know I had write access. As awesome as that is, replacing my stylesheet and background graphic is easy enough - replacing all of the inline links to everything in the posts will be horrible and time-consuming, however, and may take me several eternities to fix.

We'll see how I do on all that, what with the busy season for school coming up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's pretty clear the content vortex needs help

They killed WAM for me, finally, and in the process of ensuring that all references to WAM still exist, the directory they created for the material from my pub space is not accessible to the public, and nothing I've been able to do to it so far has made it work correctly.

I'm investigating alternatives now, I'll keep you posted on what I get going.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

on blindly doing stuff

I went to try to find a geocache in Daniels today... I was, as far as I can tell, right on top of it, but I had to give up when something got into my eye and forced me to stop. When I got back to my car, it turned out it was actually a little tiny fly - little red eye and all, still stuck near the inside corner of my eye.

Yeah so... I'm done going outside until I have my full-shade sunglass lenses tomorrow.

Incidentally, if you go out on the first nice day in two months, expect to run into a lot of people who are blocking the road with their kayaks, or that guy who was poking algae with his fishing rod.

No, I don't get it either.