Wednesday, September 14, 2005

There Are No Left Hands

I've taken a couple courses in this room, MMH 1304. Only today did I realize something important about it: there are no left handed desks.

Aside from that being kind of unsettling, as even crap lecture halls in the engineering building where human existence was never a planned-for consideration, have left handed tablets. In this room, however, left handed people are apparently forced to ask those seated a space over to their left if it's a problem if they use the desk between them to write on.


I have a few thoughts about why there are no lefty tablets, though.

A) The designers of this building were considering the nature of applied psychology at the time, and wanted to make it possible for instructors to force everyone to have the same preferences prior to starting instruction.

B) Gnomes came in the middle of the night and switched the left handed desks to right handed desks. Gnomes are crazy good at welding.

C) This building is a twisting maze of accident to begin with. Each floor spans a set of stairs, the x4xx wing occupies at least 40 percent of the building, and I'm pretty sure there is no x2xx wing. The building was constructed as a shell, then filled with rooms. This resulted, I therefore propose, in a powerful gravity well that pulled all other out-of-the-ordinary objects in this building. Space-time can't handle so much backward in one place, so nature had to sort itself out.

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