Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm in School!

[edit from 2019: rip pictures, you are gone and mostly forgotten but I find the alt text entertaining]

here is woops! click for larger versions!!1``13

I lost my head.
I lost my head.

Power of tangent circles?
Tangent Circles.

I can't even pay attention in the class I love.
I drew my hand.

This is a gomper, apparently.

I moved into a chinese take out box.
Ugly? or Uglied?

I thought you deserved a break from the inanity.

At some point earlier in the term, I thought a ferret in a tank would be a good idea.
Battle Ferret

... would you eat yourself?
if you were a hot dog...

Summon me a dead fish.

This fish is messed up.

I stacked some caps and then started drawing them.
Bored with bottlecaps

Jeff did this to the EMC's whiteboard once. We got yelled at for the monkey business, so jeff later drew a monkey next to the words monkey business. Too bad I don't have that one, too.
Deal with it.

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